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3300 River Road
Mount Bethel, PA 18343

(570) 897-6000

Christian retreat center for New Jersey and Pennsylvania marriage retreat, singles retreat, women's retreat and youth summer camp in Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania.

Tales of Tuscarora

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20 Questions with Tuscarora Staff - Sara Pensyl


Sara, her husband Marc and son Michael.

Sara, her husband Marc and son Michael.

1.       What is your name and position at Tuscarora?

Sara Pensyl, Program Manager

2.       How many roles and jobs have you had here?

Oooosh a lot! I worked on Summer Staff where I worked in the Dining Room and on Jobs, but also held positions on wait staff and in the Snack Shop throughout high school.

3.       When did you first visit Tuscarora?

When I was five years old and we moved to Pennsylvania – we came to swim in the pool – my first memory of Tuscarora is the shallow end of the big pool!

4.       When did you come to know the Lord?

July 1994 in the gym during Junior Week at Tuscarora

5.       What is your favorite place on the grounds?

The dock down in the water – to sit and reflect and watch the sunrise

6.       If you could eat three Tuscarora meals forever – what would they be?

Eggs and potatoes, penne pasta with red and white sauce (not mixed), salmon

7.       What is your favorite event that takes place at Tuscarora?

Christmas Weekend is pretty special – all the excitement and joy is infectious! It’s a ton of work, but to see it all come together and the glory go to God makes your heart burst.

8.       Three favorite Christian songs?

Whatever is on the radio/someone else is playing. Music is more of a background thing for me.

9.       What made you decide to work at Tuscarora?

Sara with Paul (and Brian) viewing the solar eclipse.

Sara with Paul (and Brian) viewing the solar eclipse.

Brian and Paul kept calling me. I kid, I kid. Honestly? God – it was a total God thing to move back here with my family and work here. There was prompting from God and arguing from me and finally a peace and a decision!

10.   Best lesson you’ve learned during your time here?

How to work with so many different personality types. And grace. Always grace. How to have a certain measure of grace. I’m still terrible at it, but I’m learning.

11.   What is your most treasured Tuscarora memory?

Seeing Jesus during the Summer of 2003 during a session in the Auditorium

12.   What is the best part of your job?

I love laughing with my co-workers! I love the family feel of the staff!

13.   What is your favorite Bible verse?

Isaiah 30:21 “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it’”

14.   What is something guests don’t know about you?

I don’t like talking into the microphone. I do it because I have to.

15.   How would you describe the mission of Tuscarora to someone who had never been here before?

To be used by God as part of a ministry that will bring glory to Him; to point to, and share God in all we do, develop, in the conversations we have, and the relationships we form.

16.   What is your favorite movie?

I don’t know. I don’t really watch movies. Anything hilarious. I like to laugh.

Sara: lower right hand corner

Sara: lower right hand corner

17.   What’s your most common snack shop order?

Peanut Butter ripple in a dish

18.   If you could stay anywhere on the grounds where would it be and why

Hillside. It’s where I first stayed and I love the way it smells.

19.   What is your favorite thing to see guests doing?

Sitting, talking, laughing – enjoying relationships

20.   What is your biggest hope for the future of this ministry?

That we can create a place, an experience that allows people to experience God here at Tuscarora the way I have over and over again.