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3300 River Road
Mount Bethel, PA 18343

(570) 897-6000

Christian retreat center for New Jersey and Pennsylvania marriage retreat, singles retreat, women's retreat and youth summer camp in Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania.




The ministry of Tuscarora, and the lives that are impacted, would not be possible without the generous support of our donors. When you give to Tuscarora, you are helping us to grow and thrive into the future.


Great news! You can now support Tuscarora through Paypal!



Alice Oline Aase, 95, of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, passed away on Monday, March 3, 2025. In 1989, they moved to Mount Bethel, PA, where Alice worked at the Tuscarora Inn and Conference Center's Gift and Bookstore. She treasured being a part of the ministry at Tuscarora and reconnected there with old friends and made many new friends.


Eleanor “Ellie” Sollie, 96, passed away on Monday, March 13, 2025. All are invited to a Celebration of Life service on Sunday, May 4th, at Tuscarora Inn and Conference Center. We will gather at 2 PM at the Senum-Thompson Center, and the service will begin at 3 PM. All are encouraged to stay for dinner, which will follow.Accommodations are available for Sunday night and can be reserved by visiting



In honor of 50 years of ministry, Tuscarora is embarking on a capital campaign to strengthen it's foundation for the future.

Giving to Tuscarora is easy! Use one of these options:

Give Today

You can make a meaningful impact on Tuscarora today by making a gift to one of the following areas:

  • Where Needed Most - a gift where needed most allows Tuscarora to designate your funds where they can make the greatest impact.

  • Capital Restoration - as Tuscarora moves from a period of building to rebuilding we are unable to cover the costs of all the maintenance that needs to get done. Gifts to capital restoration will help us continue to improve our grounds and facilities.

  • Per Rune Larsen Scholarship Fund -Per Rune Larsen was a remarkable young man who attended Junior and Teen Weeks and became a camp counselor here at Tuscarora Inn. His friends and family established a Scholarship Fund to bring kids to camp who may not otherwise have the financial ability to do so with partial scholarships.


Establish a Monthly Recurring Gift

Monthly donors to Tuscarora are recognized as members of the Friends of Tuscarora. They provide steady and consistent support for our ministries and programs - and receive regular updates on what work is being done and how they can pray for us. Setting up a monthly gift is easy to do!


Invest in the Future of Tuscarora

Just as the biblical hero, Nehemiah trusted God to rebuild the Jerusalem wall, we are trusting God for a $5 million endowment.

The Nehemiah Endowment Fund will be built through estate planning, legacy gifts and cash donations.  The principal is invested in perpetuity while the income generated will be used to support projects not able to be funded through operating income. 
