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3300 River Road
Mount Bethel, PA 18343

(570) 897-6000

Christian retreat center for New Jersey and Pennsylvania marriage retreat, singles retreat, women's retreat and youth summer camp in Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania.

Social Media Ambassadors


Social Media Ambassadors

Tuscarora is growing, and it will keep growing as we head into the future. But the future is always changing, and we are changing the way we communicate with the Tuscarora family. We are actively recruiting social media volunteers who can help us reach our friends online. Your testimony is one of the most powerful assets we have, and we hope you will lend us your talents and influence by becoming a Social Media Ambassador.

Our Social Media Ambassadors will work with the Tuscarora staff to help spread the news of positive stories, exciting events, and important opportunities available throughout the year.

Thank you for your consideration on volunteering in this unique way! You will be playing an important part in building a future for Tuscarora!