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3300 River Road
Mount Bethel, PA 18343

(570) 897-6000

Christian retreat center for New Jersey and Pennsylvania marriage retreat, singles retreat, women's retreat and youth summer camp in Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania.

Tales of Tuscarora

Would you be interested in submitting a piece for Tales of Tuscarora? We are always looking for stories to tell! Email

Volunteers - More Than Just Visitors


Volunteer: a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service: someone who freely offers to do something.

Staining the Cedar Chalet deck!

Staining the Cedar Chalet deck!

Rebuilding the Inn Rooms!

Rebuilding the Inn Rooms!

The faces that we see year to year, become so familiar that we sometimes expect them to be here during these work weeks at Tuscarora, but these faces are more than just repeat visitors… they represent hearts changed, lives turned around, and relationships restored. These faces represent years of service, offerings and dedication. These faces are people who have taken time to give love and care to a place that has made a difference in their lives.

Deep cleaning the dining room chairs.

Deep cleaning the dining room chairs.

What would we do without them? We can tell you that Tuscarora wouldn’t be here without the willing hearts and hands. They give up time away from their routine, their lives, their families and offer to be here for these weeks of hard work. From scrubbing chairs to rebuilding entire rooms, these volunteers put their best work into the projects during Work Week.

Deep cleaning happens outside as well!

Deep cleaning happens outside as well!

We can also tell you that the volunteers are not just here because they like the meals here (although, they are delicious), the comfy beds, or the beautiful grounds. They return because there is a God who changed their lives - whether it was in their childhood or just recently. God works in wonderful ways and has put on the hearts of certain wonderful people to come and volunteer at Tuscarora!

Reinforcing the deck outside of Cottage 9 and 10.

Reinforcing the deck outside of Cottage 9 and 10.

Tuscarora schedules two weeks of designated Work Weeks each year - once in the spring, before the busyness of summer programs and then again in the fall.

This fall we are working on a couple of very exciting updates as well as the all-important task of cleaning and refreshing different buildings.

The staff at Tuscarora are incredibly honored and grateful that our Living God sends us smiling faces when we need them the most. Thank you to our volunteers who serve so faithfully and willingly.

Hebrews 6:10 - God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.