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3300 River Road
Mount Bethel, PA 18343

(570) 897-6000

Christian retreat center for New Jersey and Pennsylvania marriage retreat, singles retreat, women's retreat and youth summer camp in Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania.

Tales of Tuscarora

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Servants of the Lord


"Freely you have received. Freely give. "

Matthew 10: 8


Each spring and fall, a dedicated group of volunteers spends a week at Tuscarora for Work Week. With the summer season on the horizon, it always seems the tasks that need to be done far outnumber the amount of hands on the staff. But faithfully each year, God calls people to serve him during this busy time.

Through a partnership with Thrivent, Tuscarora is able to make an even bigger impact by using Action Teams. Thrivent members are able to apply for seed money in order to supply an unmet need for a cause they love. We are so blessed that these volunteers love Tuscarora!

So much happens at Work Week thanks to these generous hearts, here's an update on what you can expect to see this summer!


One team was able to mulch and plant in the Riverside Gardens. There were teams working on the main campus, as well as up at The Pines!


These ladies worked hard giving our rooms a deep cleaning all across camp. They took care of any cobwebs and dust bunnies they could find in the Cottages, Hillside, and the Overlook.


One of the many updates coming to the Mountainview Dorms are new windows! New light fixtures were also put into the lounges, bathroom updates were finished, and painting was touched up in the main hallways.


We are hoping to have some new rooms available in the Brick House by this summer season. One team was able to put in new walls and a new bathroom this week!


Our dining room is always in need of special attention, and a whole team works hard throughout the week to make sure every nook and cranny is scrubbed.


Parts of the dining room were also brightened up with a new coat of paint. It's going to look great with the sun shining in!

Thank you to all of the volunteers we got this week, as well as our volunteers throughout the year. As a ministry and a non-profit organization, Tuscarora wouldn't be able to do it without you. You are a huge part of our mission! God Bless!

Save the Date
Fall Work Week
October 22-26, 2018