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3300 River Road
Mount Bethel, PA 18343

(570) 897-6000

Christian retreat center for New Jersey and Pennsylvania marriage retreat, singles retreat, women's retreat and youth summer camp in Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania.

Couples Retreat

Adults | Christian Retreat Center in Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania

Christian Adults of every age and gender are welcome at Tuscarora's annual Christian adult retreat.

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Couples Retreat

Full retreat prices are based on accommodation selected during registration. This retreat begins with an optional buffet on Friday and ends with lunch on Sunday.  

Discover the Couples' Retreat at Tuscarora!

Whether you’re newlyweds, celebrating anniversaries, or enjoying a lifetime of love, our Couples' Retreat this spring is the perfect getaway for you. Experience a rejuvenating weekend filled with connection, love, and the warm hospitality that Tuscarora is known for.

At Tuscarora, we believe that taking intentional time away can transform your relationship. Our Couples' Retreat isn’t just a break; it’s a chance to deepen your bond with each other and with God while creating unforgettable memories.

Inspiring Sessions: Engage in uplifting discussions and activities led by Jim and Carol Shores from Acts of Renewal, along with meaningful worship. Together, you’ll explore ways to strengthen your connection as a couple.

Delicious Meals: Savor wonderful meals in our inviting dining room. Enjoy the company of other couples without the hassle of cooking or cleaning—just focus on each other!

Breathtaking Setting: Nestled in the heart of spring’s beauty, Tuscarora offers the ideal backdrop for relaxation and reconnection.

Fun Activities: Participate in a variety of enjoyable activities throughout the weekend, from art and games to workshops and peaceful moments to unwind together.

Tuscarora Hospitality: Our dedicated team is here to ensure your comfort and enjoyment throughout your stay.

Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your relationship. Reserve your spot now and look forward to a weekend filled with love, laughter, and the warmth of Tuscarora!

Speakers - Jim and Carol Shores

Acts of Renewal

Speakers Dr. Jim and Carol Shores engage their audiences with practical, user friendly presentations, that weave in comedy/theatre to both entertain and teach.   The Shores' presentations offer hilarity, but also insightful approaches to improving some of the everyday challenges of marriage.  

Whether couples are in a rough patch or in a good place, Jim and Carol's honest style speaks to them right where they're at, offering biblical perspective and encouragement toward a deeper richer relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Every time we go to the Couple’s Retreat, we are reminded of how God has blessed us through the years (43 and counting!) in giving us each other!
— retreat guest 2022


We are happy to accommodate any medically necessary dietary needs you have! Please fill out a Special Diet Request Form at least a week prior to your arrival.

Later Event: May 13
Way Makers