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3300 River Road
Mount Bethel, PA 18343

(570) 897-6000

Christian retreat center for New Jersey and Pennsylvania marriage retreat, singles retreat, women's retreat and youth summer camp in Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania.

Facility Team Member


Organizational Overview:

Tuscarora’s mission is to serve the Christian community by providing programs and facilities for worship, teaching, counseling, and physical refreshment, focusing on the Bible as our standard for living.

Position Purpose:

The Facilities Team Member supports the Facilities Manager in maintaining all aspects of the facility, including buildings, equipment, vehicles, furniture, and grounds, ensuring they remain safe, functional, and visually appealing. The ideal candidate will have a specialty in at least one area of facility maintenance—with carpentry being particularly valued—while also being competent in other general maintenance tasks. Candidates with other areas of expertise are encouraged to apply.


  1. Specialty in at least one area of facility maintenance required (e.g., carpentry, mechanical systems, landscaping, plumbing, or another relevant trade).

  2. Competence in a variety of other maintenance tasks is expected.

  3. Ability to troubleshoot and repair various systems and equipment.

  4. Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.

  5. Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a team setting.

  6. Physical ability to perform manual labor, lift heavy objects, and work in various weather conditions.

  7. Basic understanding of safety protocols and regulatory compliance related to facility management.

  8. Interest in Christian ministry preferred; attendance at biweekly staff chapel and prayer meetings required.

  9. Background check required.

PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES (basic understanding in most areas acceptable):

  1. Building & Equipment Maintenance: Assist in maintaining, troubleshooting, and repairing heating, cooling, refrigeration, and other mechanical systems.

  2. Carpentry & Repairs: Perform general carpentry work, including repairs, renovations, and construction of facility structures as needed.

  3. Grounds & Landscaping: Support general upkeep of outdoor spaces, including lawn care, tree maintenance, and seasonal landscaping.

  4. Vehicle Maintenance: Ensure all facility vehicles are safe, properly maintained, and visually presentable.

  5. Electrical & Systems Maintenance: Perform basic electrical work, such as troubleshooting minor issues, replacing fixtures, and ensuring system safety.

  6. Recreational & Waterfront Equipment: Maintain and repair recreational equipment in collaboration with the Program Manager, including boats, tubes, and related gear. Provide assistance with the maintenance and upkeep of the waterfront and pool areas as needed.

  7. Water System Assistance: Support the safe and proper operation of the potable water system in compliance with regulations.

  8. Facility Readiness & Emergency Response: Support accommodation setup and shutdown, perform emergency repairs, and handle miscellaneous facility-related tasks as assigned.

Salary and Benefits:

Employer-provided housing is a possibility. Benefits are included for full-time hires. Good opportunities for advancement within the organization. Background check required.

To apply:

Contact Dave Hakvaag, Facilities Manager, for more details by email:

Apply by submitted a cover letter, resume, and 3 references by email.

All candidates will be required to submit to a Pennsylvania State, FBI Criminal Background Check, and Child Abuse Clearance.