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3300 River Road
Mount Bethel, PA 18343

(570) 897-6000

Christian retreat center for New Jersey and Pennsylvania marriage retreat, singles retreat, women's retreat and youth summer camp in Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania.

Josse Larsen



In Memory of Josse Larsen

Josse Larsen passed away on August 20, 2024. She was the widow of Pastor Per Larsen, who years ago served at 59th Street Lutheran Brethren Church. She loved the Lord and her family, and her affinity for the ministry of Tuscarora lives on through the Per Rune Larsen Scholarship Fund. This fund was established in memory of her son who passed away at a young age.

The Per Rune Larsen Scholarship Fund has made it possible for countless children to attend Junior Week and Teen Week when they would not have been financially able to otherwise.

Gifts may be made in memory of Josse Larsen to the Per Rune Larsen Scholarship Fund. May God bless her memory.


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